In our three-dimensional world, eight different perspectives (angles) will provide you the full picture of any object. So does Eightangles: we train you and your teams to get the full picture of your customers or stakeholders. We don’t stop at “decision criteria”, but enable the teams to find out what drives the customer’s behaviour: the interests, ambitions and values he/she cherishes.
Eightangles is also the name of a yoga pose tonifying all muscles of the body. Similarly, we provide solutions and offer learning programs for your teams to strength the impact of your offer, using inspiration, persuasion and negotiation skills.
Our Founder
During a Customer Experience Workshop in November 2011 our founder, Rafael Ramon, suffered a serious Bullet-point and scientific data overdose. The workshop participants were expected to drive Stakeholder’s behavior armed with 2 Gigabyte of data….
From that evening on, Rafael decided to rethink Stakeholder Engagement. He tested and implemented many ideas and approaches in over 50 markets in Europe, Middle-East, Asia and Africa and learned there is no perfect solution, but some do definitely perform better than others!
Example of outcomes are: 5% over the benchmark sales growth in mature European markets / shortening by half of the approval time of a new oncology drug in four Middle-East markets / etc.
Now Rafael does support your success making your offer resonate in your customer’s eyes and hearts.
Our Name
In our three-dimensional world, eight different perspectives (angles) will provide you the full picture of any object. So does Eightangles: we train you and your teams to get the full picture of your customers or stakeholders. We don’t stop at “decision criteria”, but enable the teams to find out what drives the customer’s behaviour: the interests, ambitions and values he/she cherishes.
Eightangles is also the name of a yoga pose tonifying all muscles of the body. Similarly, we provide solutions and offer learning programs for your teams to strength the impact of your offer, using inspiration, persuasion and negotiation skills.
Our Founder
During a Customer Experience Workshop in November 2011 our founder, Rafael Ramon, suffered a serious Bullet-point and scientific data overdose. The workshop participants were expected to drive Stakeholder’s behavior armed with 2 Gigabyte of data….
Rafael's CVFrom that evening on, Rafael decided to rethink Stakeholder Engagement. He tested and implemented many ideas and approaches in over 50 markets in Europe, Middle-East, Asia and Africa and learned there is no perfect solution, but some do definitely perform better than others!
Example of outcomes are: 5% over the benchmark sales growth in mature European markets / shortening by half of the approval time of a new oncology drug in four Middle-East markets / etc.
Now Rafael does support your success making your offer resonate in your customer’s eyes and hearts.